Friday, December 5


Your input determines your output.

Anything your eyes is able to seemore far is no .

Do not think ordinarilly,put in more effofs to go dare.

Lose sight to gain insight!

If you want riches,you must refuse to accept circumstances that give way to!

You can not lose what you never had.

If you use your thinking faculty well,the sky will be your starting point!

Fear is the stumbling block.

You must plan and organise yourself well so as to get rich.Poverty needs no plan.

Many have tested and confessed that riches is a factor of adequate plans.

People that failed to accumulate wealth sufficient enough to help other people were

the people that were easily influenced by other people's opinion.Be a man!

Stand up for your right! Your sound mind will give way to sound body.Rise

up and change your status for GOD gave man the ability to effect change and

change is the only constant thing in life.Just have a dream and work towards it.

You'll surely get there.A man with dreams can not die.Your dreams will see you

through.The distance between success and failure is very small.

Hence,go dare while the sun shines!